Pre-event Sales (customers table)
(These are the pre-event currencies set in the customers table.)
Standard Currency: 0 (P)
VIP Currency: 0
Total: 0 (A)
Pre-event Sales (customers_qr table - claimed)
(These are the claimed pre-event currencies from the customers_qr table.)
Standard Currency: (Q)
VIP Currency:
Total: 0 (B)
Pre-event Sales (customers_qr table - unclaimed)
(These are the unclaimed pre-event currencies from the customers_qr table.)
Standard Currency:
VIP Currency:
Total: 0
Activation Fee Sales
Cash: $3.50
Credit Card:
Total: $3.50
Currency Sales
(These totals do not include the Pre-event Sales or Activation Fee Sales figures, above.)
Other Pre-event Currency:
Cash: $96.50 (R1)
Credit Card: $50.00 (R2)
Standard Currency:
VIP Currency: $20.00
Total: $166.50
Currency Refunds
Cash: (S1)
Credit Card: (S2)
Standard Currency:
VIP Currency:
Pre-event Currency:
Net currency sales: $166.50 (C)
Currency Removals
(Unlike currency refunds, currency removals do not affect the report figures.)
Standard currency removed from wristbands:
VIP currency removed from wristbands:
Product Sales
(These are the totals from the product_sales_items table.)
Total paid with standard currency: $33.88 (T)
Total paid with VIP currency: $25.00
Total paid with entitlements - priced: 0
Total paid with entitlements - units: 0 (0)
Total sold: $58.88
Product Refunds
(These are the totals from the product_refunds_items table.)
Total refunded to standard currency: 0 (U)
Total refunded to VIP currency: $5.00
Total refunded to entitlements - priced: 0
Total refunded to entitlements - units: 0 (0)
Total refunded: $5.00
Net product sales: $53.88 (D)
Wristband Leftovers
Total standard currencies calculated from transactions: $112.62 (E)
Total VIP currencies calculated from transactions: 0
VIP Summary
(The VIP issued pre-event figure is the total of claimed VIP currencies from the customers_qr table, plus the total of all pre-event VIP currencies from the customers table.)
VIP Issued
VIP issued pre-event: 0
VIP during event: $20.00
Total VIP issued: $20.00
VIP Used
Total product purchases from VIP: $25.00
Total product refunds to VIP: $5.00
Net purchases made with VIP currency: $20.00
Entitlements Summary
Entitlements - Priced
Issued: 0
Purchases: 0
Refunds: 0
Net purchases: 0 (G)
Entitlements - Units
Issued: 0
Purchases: 0 (0)
Refunds: 0 (0)
Net purchases: 0 (0) (H)
Entitlements - Combined
Purchases: 0
Refunds: 0
Net purchases: 0 (I)
Standard currencies breakage - new calculation: 0 ([P + Q] + [R - S] - [T - U] - E)